BERLIN / Sing your Soul ! Singing Circle & Soundbath
Mi., 08. Feb.
|Urban Healing Unit - UHU
Beloved Berlin Soul tribe, we are excited to invite you to our »Sing your Soul« Funky Singing Circle & Juicy Sauna & deep relaxation Piano Sound Bath with Ayam & Esh

Zeit & Ort
08. Feb. 2023, 19:00 – 23:50
Urban Healing Unit - UHU, Moosdorfstraße 7-9, 12435 Berlin, Deutschland
Über die Veranstaltung
Beloved Brothers & Sisters, welcome to SING YOUR SOUL Event!
We invite you to come to explore the healing power of piano sound and your singing voice!
We will dive into our bodies and voices, sing, express and let our bodies & hearts & souls melt in the sauna.
~ Ayam will guide us through an embodied voice warm-up, into a singing circle where we will express our voice and enjoy the community singing experience:)
Together we will explore the deeper layers of your mind and the healing effects of singing medicine songs.
~ Esh will take us into a journey of a piano sound bath, right after the sauna experience, where we can just let go and allow the magical piano sounds to melt right into our bodies and find deep relaxation in an exclusive solo piano sound bath by Esh <3.
>> In between the music we enjoy the private sauna of the UHU TOGETHER :) <<
Join us on this beautiful community singing circle, piano sound bath and profound detox in the beautiful UHU sauna. Discover the essence of being and connect yourself through your voice with the universal consciousness of sound.
>>19:00 - Doors open
>>19:30 - Opening hearts and bodies Circle
>>20:00 - Singing Circle
>>21:00 - Getting into the sauna
21:30 - 22:15 Piano Sound Bath
22:15 - 00:00 Sauna
25€ - 40€ sliding scale (all incl.)
22€ - Ermäßigt
**If you want to join but can’t pay the full price let us know and we will find a way 🙂
Much love,
Esh & Ayam